Friday, December 24, 2021

The Cake is a Lie

Adult Test

A few times every year, I test myself to see if I have magically transformed into an adult.

Here are the steps:
  1. Bake a cake
  2. Acknowledge that eating too much cake will make me feel ill.
Did I eat enough cake (chocolate gingerbread bundt cake — without the frosting because I haven't been to the grocery store in over a month) last night to make me feel ill? Yes. Did I still feel sick when I got up this morning? Yes. Did I then eat more cake? Again, yes.

Clearly I am in no danger of becoming an adult this year either. But it's always good to check.

Obligatory Pet Photo

black cat resting in a box

Every day is Boxing Day for some cats. Ripley loved to eat them, too.

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