Sunday, December 5, 2021

Can I Get Any More Ridiculous?

 Run for Cover

I mentioned at the beginning of this Holidailies month that I had added a second serialized story to Kindle Vella under a secret pen name. Yes, the story is absolutely hilarious and ridiculous erotica (which is a category I think absolutely should be hilarious and ridiculous), but if I'd been ashamed of it, I wouldn't have published it. The reason for the secret pen name is so I don't ever have to have a conversation about the specifics with my mom or any other member of my family.

Anyhow, the last episode was published nearly 30 days ago, so I can now bundle it together as a book and make it available for Kindle readers. With my other books I make them widely available to all the bookstores, but some of the retailers have restrictions about erotica, so I'm not going to bother. I'll pop this one into Kindle Unlimited and forget about it.

But in order to do so, I have to write the book description, aka, the back cover copy.

Now the back cover copy for any book is painful to write, even after I took a 6-week workshop on how to do so. But for a book containing aliens having sex? Kill me now.

Worse, I have to make sure I have all the right keywords in the description because it's nearly impossible to advertise anything in the erotica category. So I guess I'll spend the evening boning up (haha, see what I did there?) on erotica descriptions to make sure I get it right.

Obligatory Pet Picture

Adorable elderly grey can in profile

Not a fan of the paparazzi.

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