However, some people have rather inflated ideas of what I can accomplish.
For example, somebody (I still don't know who) left this on my desk at work last week.
Yes, it's a dying tulip plant with a post-it note that says "Help Me".
Sometimes you have to wonder...
Oh my God. That's funny. If only they'd known about the heart biopsy dog.
I feel the need to reiterate that that dog lived...
So, they didn't touch much on botany in vet school?
Not a whole heck of a lot. However, my ability to keep plants alive at work is probably above average. In this case, I think the thing is suffering from severe over-watering, lack of light, and then just the fact that it's a bulb which dies back every year.
I figure I'll dump it in the ground near the daffodils in front of my house, and maybe I'll have tulips next year.
But really, it's all just the same thing in reverse:
light + water + CO2 -> sugar + O2 if you're a plant
sugar + O2 -> water + CO2 + energy if you're an animal
So by that token, as long as I don't biopsy anything, it should be okay.
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