While looking for early evidence of my photographic failures, I came across this little gem:

Tonight is graduation night for the 8th graders [edit: Eric & Jeff were in 8th grade at the time, I was in 6th, and Mike would have been a sophomore in high school] so Mom, Dad, Eric, and Jeff went to the Arches for dinner. [edit: The Arches was the default nice restaurant for special occasions. I never actually went there.] Shortly after they left Mike told me he was going out to eat pizza and that he would be home before Mom and Dad got home. Well, he did. He walked in the door and said, "I'm asleep in bed." I was doing the dishes at the time so I washed off my hands and went back to his room. He started putting things under the blankets in his bed so Mom and Dad would think it was him if they glanced in the room. I asked him where he was going and he said bowling...
Looking back on this, I can only believe that there is no way in heck my parents didn't know what was going on after they got back, because I kept repeating that Mike had gone to bed without being prompted. I've always been the world's worst liar. Oh well. He turned out to be a productive member of society, and I'm sure his daughters would never, ever do anything like this...
Another skeleton of the past exposed. I laughed out loud when I read this. Your right, Mom and Dad had to have known something was up, but in their defense, having kids and keeping up with all their activities is tiring. Sometimes, you really don't want to know. It takes more effort. Was that the year we (Jeff and I) helped put all the school lunch tables on the roof?
BTW, I really did go bowling.
Somehow I didn't hear about the lunch tables until years after the fact, so I don't know when that happened.
I suppose if a kid is sneaking out at night, going bowling is about the best you can hope for...
I am the most naive person alive. I never knew about this stuff.
Nice diary, Better than "i hope he loves me" -- or did you not recount that stuff.
As for the tables, yes that was fun until I stepped off one, thinking I was on the roof, and fell one level to the actual roof (and not all the way to the ground). The things you do that could so easily have gone extremely wrong...
My diaries from childhood are all about how terribly misunderstood I was. Very, very boring read. But every once in a while there's stuff like this.
How did I not ever hear about the lunch tables on the roof until years later? I would have been at that school at the time...
It was really fun in an eighth grade boy way -- we mad a 3-2-1 pyramid from the lunch tables. Stupid as hell and I'll never tell the boy.
Of course today, we'd put it on fb or yt and then we'd have been caught...
best blog post yet.
I like that "MY" in "MY Daily Diary" is capitalized. I guess by this point you were tired of sharing.
Indeed. One of the other entries was about how Johanna had ripped the wallpaper in my room.
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