Behind Bars (or, I'm too pretty to go to prison):
Please, sir, may I have some more gruel?
Free at last.
(*) In case it's not obvious, Scooter was in the dog crate by choice. The dog crate has a gaping hole in the side from the time when the dog decided she didn't want to be contained any longer and made an extra exit.
In other news, the LEDs for the aquarium finally shipped on Friday, so maybe the tank will have new lighting before too much longer. That's assuming that Jeff and I can make everything work together. This might be interesting.
Now I love both google voice AND google translator! spice girls! love it.
I would like to request more anecdotes from work and about coworkers who may or may not be family members. Those are my favorite types of posts.
What do you think this is, a jukebox? You don't get the request the greatest hits, you know. Don't make me write five posts in a row about my cats just to prove a point...
Besides, some days Jeff just doesn't do anything funny. At least not that I can write about.
Maybe teh googles can translate what karen said for me? Is spiced girls like spiced rum? Now w/ MSG?
And since non sequiters are encouraged, in woodland, is putting cheese in your pants not allowed?
Jeff, teh googles isn't as useful for old people like us.
Did you notice that the cheese crime happened in the Nugget? Before I found that out I was all for letting the guy off easy. But if he's going to do things like that in _my_ Nugget, he should be lucky he avoided the death penalty. At least he didn't steal any of the specialty cheeses.
Somehow I forgot to mention that 100 years ago people took better picture on silver plates while they were recovering from tb and mercury poisoning.
of course, that's because they didn't have LED lighting!
The great thing about the LEDs is that many people say they look much better than fluorescents in person, but that it's really hard to get decent pictures with them.
I'm doomed.
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