Saturday, October 5, 2024

Random semi-spooky "art" - day 5

For today's terrifying image, I wanted to once again to attempt blood drops from text, this time using this tutorial. After much screwing around trying to create a new dynamic brush option, I mostly figured things out, though I couldn't find a good font within GIMP.

(Do I understand how fonts are made available on my laptop? Absolutely not. It's one of the few reasons I haven't booted Adobe InDesign to the curb yet — I know I can use any font available there for commercial use and it has a bazillion fonts. Just not $23/month's worth.)

Anyhow, the "Run away!" was fine and all, but as an image, it was kind of boring. And then I thought: Kittens make everything better! I find this hilarious.

I could have blended the kitten image better, but that would have involved getting out the tablet and I was too lazy. The whole thing is still funny anyhow.