Sunday, September 22, 2019


Autumn officially starts tomorrow. That should have been a clue.

This should have been my next clue:

(Ripley's back in a onesie because he keeps overgrooming his shaved skin.)

But no, I made hearth bread this morning, earlier than I normally make bread since I was planning to take a loaf along to my writing group meeting at 11am. I threw everything together, kneaded it for eight minutes and left it to rise.

An hour later it was just barely bigger and that was when it really hit me. It was too cold to make bread in a hurry. (I turned the oven on for a few minutes to heat up the area and the second rise went better -- the bread was fine in the end.)

Anyhow, even though it's currently nearly 10 pm and it's still in the 70s, winter is on its way.

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