Anyhow, the only bad part about shopping for shoes on the internet is that sometimes things don't look exactly how you picture them. Case in point, my new shoes.

Yes, I somehow bought shoes that look like I should be strolling on the starship deck in a silver metallic bodysuit in a 80's sci-fi movie (except they don't have heels because they are "performance" shoes, whatever that means).
Yes, I could have sent them back when I opened the box. But everyone in the entire world knows I'm way too lazy to do that.
Instead I'm wearing them to walk the dogs and mow the lawn. I feel like Glinda the Good, except that she was, you know, polite and stuff. I'm more like the troll that lives under the bridge. In sparkly shoes.
Anyhow, these shoes are so obnoxious that I'm starting to actually like them.
I may order a second pair in purple...
Wow, those are shiny! Too shiny for me. I like the nod you gave me and my shoe issue. Amazingly, I have not bought shoes in a while. Like months!
Christine Lim was even more of a shoe ho than I. Unfortunately, her arches are falling so she now has to wear sensible shoes. /sad trombone/
They aren't _quite_ as shiny as they look in the picture -- the tongue is reflective (good for dog walking) and the flash made everything full of glare. They are pretty darn obnoxious, though.
I can't believe the number of people at that hospital who were shoe hos. Didn't any of you have to run around the hospital, chasing after anesthetized patients that were trying to crash while on the breezeway between the buildings? I logged way too many miles in that hospital to wear anything that wasn't really comfortable.
I was able to run in the heels I wore. I wouldn't buy them if I couldn't. I remember wrangling police dogs in those red patent leather heels I wore. I've also run uphill in Seattle in them.
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