Friday, December 31, 2021
Thursday, December 30, 2021
Dead White Dudes
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Wednesday, December 29, 2021
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Tuesday, December 28, 2021
Casting Off
Story of the Day
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Monday, December 27, 2021
Sun Tzu Knew Where to Keep Family
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Sunday, December 26, 2021
In The Before Times
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Saturday, December 25, 2021
Maybe Nobody Has Any Taste
Test, Test, Test
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Friday, December 24, 2021
The Cake is a Lie
Adult Test
- Bake a cake
- Acknowledge that eating too much cake will make me feel ill.
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Thursday, December 23, 2021
She Sells Seashells? ... How?!
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Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Shop Talk
Paid Newsletter Promotions
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Tuesday, December 21, 2021
Missed Me!
My History With Dogs
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Monday, December 20, 2021
We're Still Here, Dangit
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Sunday, December 19, 2021
The Scrawl
My Little Purple Book
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Saturday, December 18, 2021
All the Examples Must Be the Same
Two Books
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Friday, December 17, 2021
I'm a Professional!
Attempt 1: Meh... |
Attempt 2: Maybe too crime-y? |
Attempt 3: I hate all fonts |
Attempt 4: Dogs! |
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Thursday, December 16, 2021
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Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Highs and Lows
Totally Normal
I have reached the point in editing the first draft of the current novel where I'm down to one major note ("bad things need to happen here") and I still need to write the last two scenes. That's down from about 25 notes, most of which read "fix this", and a handful of scenes that said "[FILL IN]".Obligatory Pet Picture
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
It's Like Electing the Pope
Tonight's adventure with the air fryer was a success. Tofu chunks (still have another 1/4 of the package left) and sweet potato, rolled in oil plus salt, pepper, and paprika, then into the air fryer for 10 minutes on "French fries" setting. Very tasty and it was neither burned nor undercooked.
One part in the instructions made me laugh. In the "how to deal with problems" section, it lists:
White smoke is coming out This is normal. Don't worry about it.
Black smoke is coming out Your food is on fire.
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Monday, December 13, 2021
Does the Date Count If It Was in the Freezer?
Air Fryer!
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Sunday, December 12, 2021
Middle Grade Falafel
Pantry Update Continues
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Saturday, December 11, 2021
Above Ground
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Friday, December 10, 2021
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Thursday, December 9, 2021
Let's Not Be Exclusive, Okay?
Income Streams
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Wednesday, December 8, 2021
A Rose by the Same Name Gets a Lot of Google Alerts
What's in a Name?
- The peasant farmers of what is now Switzerland had a bazillion children, because children are currency in your basic farming community. All four of my grandparents came from families with children in the double digits. (Yes, I love potatoes. It's genetic.) The upshot of this is there are about 75,000 Baumgartners running around in the world. And while a significant number are in German-speaking countries, a bunch emigrated to the US.
- Many of those 75,000 Baumgartners are Catholic (or were 50+ years ago anyhow), and none of them were very creative about naming their daughters.
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Tuesday, December 7, 2021
1000 Words Isn't Always Enough
Kindle Vella cover for "The String Conspiracy" by Candace Freilich. Image shows... I'm not sure. Maybe a spaceship and a building? The colors are green and yellow.
Kindle Vella cover for "An Undying Throne" by Yomii Super Workshops. Image shows... Sorry, I honestly can't tell. There appear to be borg cubes or at least angular shapes, with predominantly light blue and brown colors.
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Monday, December 6, 2021
Feral Rice
Out with the old...
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Sunday, December 5, 2021
Can I Get Any More Ridiculous?
Run for Cover
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Saturday, December 4, 2021
No Comma
Speaking of publishing, — remember, I warned you that would be the topic when I didn't have anything else to talk about — I pass my almost-final book drafts through ProWritingAid as a first level of typo checking.
PWA is good for some things, like misspelled words and subject-verb disagreements, though it does occasionally decide I should switch the verb tense in the middle of the chapter. Basically, it's not as good as a human editor, but it checks the words that are actually on the page, not the ones I think I put there.
One thing at which PWA is leaps and bounds ahead of me is commas. It turns out there are actually rules about where commas are supposed to go. I used to think I was faking it really well by just adding a comma anywhere I would naturally pause in speech, but nope. Apparently not.
I have some lingering issues from the teacher who was first responsible for teaching me English grammar, so my brain screeches to a halt and hides in a closet whenever things like "dependent clause" are mentioned. (I've been ignoring this for 40 years. I'm guessing the issue will remain until I die. Whatever. PWA is cheaper than therapy.) I absolutely could not tell you what a subordinate clause was even if you put a gun to my head.
Anyhow, PWA has great fun telling me about all the commas I have in the wrong place. To make matters worse, it sends me mail once a week with links to articles it thinks I should read.
Like this:
Every week...
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My dog and I spent a day working at a friend's house a few months ago. My friend's cat was not amused.
Friday, December 3, 2021
Waiting Rooms
"You're a little early. It might be a bit of a wait." The receptionist at the veterinary hospital seemed truly apologetic this morning when I checked in for Guido's annual exam.
I think I managed to keep the satisfaction out of my voice when I replied. "Oh, that's okay, I brought things to do."
Truth be told, I was hoping they were running late. They have a completely separate large waiting room for people with cats, with two armchairs and two couches. (And a television, but that's easy enough to switch off.) There's hardly ever anyone in there, because far more dogs come in to the practice than cats. It's perfect.
So I pulled out my laptop and wrote for 20 minutes until it was time to go into an exam room. It was great! (For me. Guido, who was less enthusiastic about having his morning nap interrupted by being shoved into a carrier, thought it was a lot less great and told the world about it repeatedly.)
I miss just being in different places, especially now that it's colder and I'm only heating my office. I like my office, but it's still just one room. One of the minor inconveniences of the last 21 months is not being able to just spend time somewhere else. A couple of years ago, I used to go to the local coffee shop and spend a few hours most weeks. Now... not so much.
I haven't gone back to the coffee house partially because of the pandemic — even now, it still seems kind of stupid to risk getting sick just so I can go sit on someone else's uncomfortable couch. But mostly because I went from having an income to, well, let's just say that my goal was to break even on my writing this year and I'm pretty close. But spending money like that isn't in the budget.
So I showed up a little early for Guido's appointment.
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Thursday, December 2, 2021
The Game of Peel
Here's my favorite Thanksgiving story. (It's not mine.)
Like many families, my friend Jon and his wife and kids — and now grandkids — make mashed potatoes as part of the Thanksgiving meal. There's a decent sized crowd; there are a fair number of potatoes to peel.
Now Jon has never met something he can't turn into a game and the whole family is pretty competitive, so they have a potato peeling relay: the potatoes are split into two piles, everyone is divided into two teams, and then one person from each team peels a potato and hands the peeler off to the next person. The team who finishes their pile first wins.
At this point you should be thinking: Sharp implements, people hurrying, small children... what could possibly go wrong?
Perhaps you won't be surprised that there is also a rule that people are not allowed to participate while they are actively bleeding.
Anyhow, according to Jon, everyone has a great time, nobody has needed to go to the hospital yet, and they always wash the potatoes really well, so it's all good.
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Okay, yeah, this one might be stretching it, but there was a pet involved at some point. (They overwater the park where I walk my dog, so the jogging trail is muddy every other day.)
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
It's Holidailies Time!
Well, lookee here, it's suddenly December and time for Holidailies!
2021 So far
Since I've been kinda terrible about updating my blog lately, here's what I've been doing:
I published a bunch of books. Seriously, though, I did! I currently have five books, two novellas, and a serial available for people to buy. (Plus another serial under a secret pen name because it's hilarious erotica and I don't think I could handle the Thanksgiving meal conversations with my family if it became generally known.) Anyhow, if you want to look at what's available (minus the ridiculous erotica), check it out here.
I quit my job. You're probably having one of two reactions:
1) Heck, if I'd known making a living writing was so easy, I would have quit my job, too!
2) Wow, Theresa's books must be selling way better than I thought!
3) (Bonus Thought) I knew it! Writing erotica is the way to pay the bills!
So... yes, I'm writing full time now, but no, it's not paying the bills, at least not yet. I just couldn't deal with having a day job and I had some money saved up. Will I have to go find another job? Very possibly, but that's a problem for next year or the year after.
Some pets are no longer around. Yes, it's sad, but age gets us all if nothing else happens first. The little dog was 15, my conure was in her 20s. The next year will likely be similar: I have two cats in their late teens, and a cockatiel who is old enough to buy alcohol. You can either spend all your time with your pets lamenting the fact that they don't live very long, or... you can just accept it and enjoy the time you have.
I've been healthy. No COVID-19 for me, thankfully. Go get your vaccinations. We're not going to get out of this until everyone does.
What Will I Talk About This December?
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Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Three Days
The World Needs More Blogs, Right?
Because I'm not busy enough already, I decided to create another blog with Kindle Vella reviews. (Kindle Vella is Amazon's new serial platform.) Here's why:
- There's no barrier to keep people from publishing stories to Vella. (Uh, other than if they aren't in the USA. That's true for readers as well. It's an odd choice.) In some ways, that's great! There's nobody enforcing weird standards, like "all stories have to be about white male professors who want to sleep with their young female students". See, that would be literary fiction. (I joke, but there's a reason that's funny.)
However... There's also nobody enforcing any standards at all. What makes a story good is subjective, but there are a lot of unedited stories with four episodes that were abandoned by their authors when they realized that writing can be hard work and doesn't instantly result in a big audience. - The Kindle Vella user interface is -- and I say this as a former professional software developer -- complete crap. Once you find a story you want to read, it's fine. But the search functionality is really limited, and there's no way to sort the results. There's also no way to know if the story is completed. Or limit the results to ones that have had new episodes loaded in the last month. It's really, really bad.
- Amazon is "featuring" some stories, but the criteria for that is completely unknown. And readers can like and follow stories once they find them, but in reality, unless you're looking for romance, good luck. There are so many more romance readers out there that anything with romance will rise to the top. And there's no way to search for something that isn't tagged romance. (See reason 2, the interface sucks)
I Had Really Good Intentions!
Self-promotion Time!
![]() |
Dragon Freehold |
Lisette climbs the tower with a perfect plan — steal the duke’s money to pay her shop’s taxes. But a second thief complicates everything, plunging her into the dragon’s den.
Bargaining with the dragon could end Lisette’s life, or save them all.
As Lisette races to finish her quest, she gets unexpected help from the mysterious thief. If you love dazzling adventure with a hint of romance, get the next episode of Dragon Freehold.
And Now The Content You've Been Waiting For!
Georgie has no time for badly written serials |
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Research, or at Least Have Smart Friends
First, Some Terrible Marketing
Oh, hey, I have a new book out in case you're interested! (The Chaos Connection)
And now, on to the topic!
What Do You Know?
There's an old adage that gets trotted out in writing circles: Write what you know.
That's a crock. Who would want to read about a woman who never leaves her house and used to write software for a living? Nobody, that's who.
(I am planning to rewrite and publish the science fiction series with a veterinarian as a main character next year, so there's that. But let's ignore that for the moment.)
However, some level of research ought to go into things.
Practice Makes Perfect
I write cozy mysteries and science fiction / fantasy / who-the-heck-knows-what-it-is-called-but-boy-I-wish-I-could-target-my-marketing-more-effectively.
Do I administer botulinum toxin to people so I know how that works? No, at least, not yet. But my search history could get me arrested. More importantly, when I had a character who needed to speak knowledgeably about canning vegetables, I ran that section by a friend to make sure I wasn't making laughable mistakes. (Thanks, Jennifer!)
The future veterinary series will have someone checking it over before it gets published, because I haven't practiced in over a decade. For other things, YouTube is not a bad resource if you need to learn how professionals do things, and how they talk about their craft.
Know Your Dough
And all of this is really a complaint about a historical cozy I just read, in which the main character (whose husband is one heartbeat away from being the earl, because of course he is) goes down to the manor kitchen to hang out with the staff and grill them about the recent murder. (Yeah, right...). This character enjoys baking, so she asks to knead the dough while they're talking.
And the cook passes over the bowl of risen dough. Lest you think that was a misplaced word, the character then proceeds to knead all the bubbles out of the dough.
* insert eyeroll gif here *
I didn't notice any typos in the book, which likely means multiple people went over the manuscript before it was published, and yet somehow none of them knew you knead the dough before it rises, not after.
I guess the problem lies in knowing what you don't know. I'm not sure how you get around that problem, other than having really smart beta readers and editors.
Fingers crossed I can avoid those sorts of mistakes...
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When is the bus coming? |