So the novel is on track, at least for now.
The good/bad news is that I start working again tomorrow. That's good for me and my bank account, but I expect my writing numbers to drop off quite a bit.
And then the "ha ha, that's so funny..." story of the day:
My internet suddenly went out this afternoon, the day before I actually can't stay home to wait for a service technician. I called technical support and told the woman which lights were showing on the cable modem (just the power light and it was red). She told me it was odd because that sounded like the box was failing and they had just installed it a few months ago. Luckily they have service appointments on Sunday afternoon, so I just had to wait an hour for the technician to come to my house.
While I was waiting, I decided to see if power cycling the box would solve the problem. I leaned down to unplug the cord and realized the cable box smelled strongly of toasting cat pee. So yeah, Scooter strikes again. Somehow he managed to pee in the top of the cable modem. Why the cable modem was a target when the DSL modem sat unmolested in the same spot for seven years I'll never know.
Anyhow, the technician showed up and I asked him if he wanted me to tell him what I thought was wrong, or if he wanted to guess based on the four bags of cat sand sitting by the front door. He swapped out the modem and didn't even charge me for it. I would have, but he pointed out that sometimes they just fail anyway. I wonder how many of the other ones that have "just failed" make your eyes water.
Naturally he's not really a technician; he really writes screenplays and just has a job as a technician. So we talked about his latest script (set in Area 51) and how he's hoping to get Steve Buscemi interested in it. Then I told him about NaNoWriMo. For a while it was like being in LA.
I mounted the new cable modem on the wall.
Scooter's going to have to work to hit that one.
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