Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Weekly Roundup

Yesterday I went to a Sixth of July party at Jeff & Karen's place. Based on the number of injuries incurred, fun was had by all. (There were no fireworks involved, but the bounce house was the scene of some bloodletting.)

I couldn't make up my mind about what to bring, so I brought three different dishes. It's good to know that I'm getting more decisive every single day.

K-Poo made the mistake of telling Jeff that she was going on a date today, so now the entire world knows. Of course, both Jeff and I emailed her this afternoon to find out how the ten mile hike had gone. Not because we're nosy, of course. It's just because we care. (For the rest of the "carers" out there: the guy was nice, the hike was fine, the chemistry was questionable, mind my own business.)

Other than that it's been a pretty quiet week. I'm back to messing around with Javascript (which is possibly the most poorly named programming language ever), so expect loud swearing if you walk by my house.

Oh, and I finished the google homepage UFO game (, which I think is the first video game I've finished since before the first version of Myst came out almost twenty years ago. I'm so proud of myself...

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