Sunday, February 2, 2025

Fracture Planes (Thriller)

Day 2 of Thingadailies:

One of the great things about having writer friends looking for any excuse to procrastinate is that you can easily outsource your fake book titles. (Thank you, Sierra!)

I'm still finding my way in Affinity Publisher, so I decided to go with something quick tonight — a thriller. There's a bunch of stuff that's not quite right — the color palette, the tagline font, and the picture itself — but I think it's not bad for something thrown together in thirty minutes.

This uses the Bebas Neueu font, which is free to use commercially under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.

I still need to figure out bounding boxes for the images, though. I could resize the image to make it fit the area, but it wasn't clipping it to the rectangle like I wanted. But that's something to worry about another day.

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