Well, it looks like our match this weekend is going to be rained out since we're supposed to get two inches of rain in the next twenty-four hours. Rain in May in Northern California. Weird.
It's probably a good thing since it will allow us to learn things like, oh, hitting the ball on the other side of the horse without falling off, and passing the ball to a teammate instead of randomly hitting the ball and cheering because we didn't hit the dirt with the mallet again.
Still, it's a bit disappointing.
Thats 1 for sailing, 0 for polo, in the ongoing clash of the expensive hobbies.
Sailing is an all-weather sport. And I was cold and wet all day today.
Hey, now, we could have played in the mud, too, but who wants to be cold and wet all day?
(And really, most real polo players wouldn't let a bit of rain and mud stop their fun.)
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