Wednesday, December 28, 2022


Holiday with my siblings means that it's time to go over all the home improvement and computer questions for the year. Not that I should actually trust all the advice I'm given, but it's almost always entertaining. My other option would be to ask ChatGPT to give me instructions on how to rewire my electrical panel in iambic pentameter.

One of the things I wanted to do was figure out how to hand my DAZ 3D files off to someone with the correct graphics card (GPU) for rendering the final image. My MacBook Air is great, but it's not optimized for this sort of thing. Two of my brothers have computers specifically for gaming, so I thought I might be able to pass the files off to them.

So far the results have been mixed. We did finally figure out what format the files need to be in — they have to be exported so all the associated objects are brought along — but thus far the gaming laptop has decided to use its CPU instead of the GPU. It also seems to take longer than my laptop, but I suspect we just need to get the settings right.

At least it gives us something to do other than argue about politics...

(Someday I'll figure out how to light scenes correctly.)


  1. Back when I was playing with Poser and other 3D programs, I would come up with scenes like that, except mine weren't nearly as good. I've thought about playing with Blender, but I just don't have the spell slots for it right now.

  2. My goal is to finally create a new cover for The Chaos Job, but it may be beyond my skill set. It might make a good goal for 2023.
