Sunday, January 21, 2018

Not Ansel Adams

We ran to the emus again today. (Sidenote: wouldn't "Running To The Emus" be an excellent band name? Or possibly a self-help book. I can't decide.) I called a brief halt so I could get photographic evidence which totally messed up my split time for that mile, but I got the picture. Then I got home and looked at it. I realize this appears to be one of those "Find these seven items hidden in the picture" things, but I swear the big dog and one of the emus are in the photo below.

Anyhow, I've signed up for the 10k next month. I'll have a number with a chip and everything. This is the first real race I've ever run -- last year's 5k with bounce houses doesn't really qualify -- and I'm finding out there all of these things that everyone else knows about and I remain clueless. For instance, they are selling compression sleeves at the run. Why do I need to compress my arms? Are they to cover my non-existent tattoos? Is there a catwalk in the middle of these things? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!

Here are the stats for the day:
  • Distance: 6.58 miles (woohoo!)
  • Avg pace: 12:18 min/mi (including time spent taking photos of my dog and the emu that I swear are in that picture up above!)
  • Calories burned (according to MapMyRun): 863
  • Extra calories consumed because "I just ran over six miles!": approximately 3,000
  • Number of squished opossums: 1 (same one from last week, I'm fairly sure)
  • Number of attempts to eat squished opossums: 0 (apparently after a week it's really no longer good)
  • Number of loose dogs: 0 (huge improvement over last week)
  • Number of dogs trying to drag that one runner across the road to engage with my dog who was being a perfect angel because I was shoveling treats into his mouth so he would ignore those cretins: 2
  • Elevation change: 58 feet (according to MapMyRun, but I'm pretty sure it's wrong because this area is flatter than that opossum)
  • Elevation change in the upcoming 10k: A lot more than 58 feet. I'm doomed.


  1. “Flatter than that opossum” made my day.

    Based on coloring alone, your dog could be part emu. I’m impressed by how close they got to each other.

  2. In my hands a photograph of a rainbow could come out looking like it only had two colors. I wasn't aware I had a photography superweakness (the opposite of a superpower) until I took a class in college and found out how terrible I was. The teacher would go around the room making comments of encouragement to everyone and get to my print and freeze.

    Anyhow, I'm not sure if emus are just naturally very curious or if pedestrians feed them, but they all came close to the fence. I wouldn't think there was much foot traffic out there, so maybe they just like to check things out.
