Friday, December 11, 2015

Feeling A Little Tropical

The new furnace is in (yay!) which is good because even though it hasn't been that cold here, it's harder to get out of bed in the morning when it's less than sixty degrees in the house.

They showed up with the crane at 7:30 in the morning and of course there was no parking in front of the house, so they had to track down the owner of one of the cars and ask them to move it. A few hundred frantic barks from Ginger later I was the proud owner of a new furnace.

Then they had to pressure-test the ducts in the house which meant they had to have access to every room, so I couldn't have the cats all rounded up in one place before they came in. I had one of the guys do the cat room first so I could get them all in there and not have to worry about the front door being left open. Getting all four cats in their safe room when I'm the only one in the house takes about thirty seconds. When there are three other people with ladders dropping tools and calling out to each other around the house... it takes significantly longer. Crow, of course, showed up the minute I shook the bag of treats. Crow is a cat after my own heart.

Anyhow it's nice and toasty in here now, and there haven't been any moose swan songs so I think it's all good.

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