Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Write Out

Halloween is just around the corner, and though I haven't quite finished off all the candy I'd planned to give out to the non-existent trick-or-treaters that means there are only a few more days before the beginning of NaNoWriMo.

"The World Needs Your Novel" is pretty much the funniest lie I've ever heard, but I'll be working on my own 50,000 words along with a whole bunch of other people. In the past year or so I've made an effort to make it a more social thing because... why not? I've planned write-ins at the local coffee shop a few Saturdays and of course I was the only one to ever show up. All this is to say I have a history of leading the world's loneliest write-ins.

The county's NaNoWriMo municipal liaisons asked me if I'd be willing to continue doing write-ins during November for people in my fair city. I'm sure the vast majority of the people doing NaNoWriMo in this county are attached to the university ten miles away, but there are probably a couple in Woodland. I agreed. They were already having write-ins in Davis on Saturdays, so I agreed to move mine to Sundays to give people more options.

Then I looked at the NFL schedule and it turns out that there are two home games that I need to be working during November and they are both on Sundays.

So, yes, I may actually be hosting write-ins that absolutely nobody, not even me, attends.

Bow down before my awesome social skills!

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