Sunday, October 25, 2015


Since this remodel involves a lot of wall and door moving, there has been a fair amount of sawing. Generally there's one guy inside the house telling one guy outside the house how long to cut the next piece. Then the guy outside makes the lights flicker for a minute or so. Finally, the guy outside passes the correctly-cut board through the window and starts working on the next one.

All of this means that they've set up a work space on the side of the house. I do most of the tree trimming, so everything is cut back to the point that a person of reasonable height (i.e., 5'5") can walk from the gate all the way around the house without stooping.

However, for the freaks who had an oversupply of growth hormone during childhood (i.e., everyone over 5'5" which includes every single one of the contractors) there are a few spots that are a little challenging, most notably right inside the gate where the looks-like-a-juniper-but-isn't-one grows and right outside the master bedroom where they've chosen to set up the table saw (or band saw or whatever the heck it is -- we didn't have a shop class at my high school and if we did they probably wouldn't have allowed girls to take it).

So for three weeks now they've been bringing boards through the gate and then going through various contortions to get back to the spot they've chosen to use as the work space. And my computer is set up three feet from the window that overlooks the gate so I'm sitting right there watching.

As amusing as this has been, today I decided to take pity on them and cut back the not-a-juniper. I mean, I hate that tree. It's ugly and it drops brown needle-leaves that get tracked into the house all year long. I'm planning on having it taken out the next time I have the trees professionally trimmed.

It really has been fun to watch, though...

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