Sunday, December 21, 2014

Luminary Night -- The Aftermath

As I mentioned, last Sunday was luminary night in my neighborhood, and everyone had white paper lunch bags lining the sidewalks with a cup or so of sand weighing them down with a small candle burning inside. It really is quite pretty when everyone on the street participates.

The candles burn for at least six hours. It might be more -- I've never stayed up late enough to notice when they finally burn out. The problem is that this year it rained sometime after midnight, soaking the bags and leaving them wilted on the concrete.

Now I'm not complaining about the rain. We need it. We need more of it still. But have you ever tried to lift up a wet paper bag filled with sand? How about twenty of them? In the dark? When you're rushed so you can get to work on time? I wasn't the only one who had this problem, believe me. A week later I'm still stepping on clumps of sand when I'm out walking the dog around the 'hood.

So, yeah, maybe next year I'll check the forecast and clean up early...

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