Sunday, January 26, 2014

Another Random Stuff Post

A friend of mine tried sneaking some pesto into her four year-old's pasta and got this response: "I am not eating this compost."
I laugh at his appropriate vocabulary and wish her luck at trying to get her kid to try new things as time goes on.

Occasionally Scooter makes up for all the stuff he destroys. Here is an example of how cute he can be when he tries hard...

On a different note, I finally saw The Big Lebowski over the weekend. After hearing it hyped up for so many years I was just sort of underwhelmed. I think I just don't really like movies from the Coen brothers. There, I said it.

Warned you this was just a post of random stuff...


  1. I'm not a Coen brothers fan, either. I am tragically unhip. Oh well.

  2. I sort of liked Fargo, but I think that's about it.

    I think we're so unhip that we're actually hip. Or something like that.

    Huey Lewis did say that it's hip to be square...
