Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Cat Burglar Diet

Today, in an effort to stave off the encroaching holiday pounds, I started my new diet.

Actually, I had nothing to do with starting this diet. Or I guess I am responsible for it, but not directly.

Here's how it started:
I broke down last night and bought a frozen pizza at the grocery store, so I cooked it for lunch today. I put a couple of pieces on my plate and left the rest cooling on a cutting board on top of my stove while I ate in the living room.

When I went back to get another piece, I found one less than I thought I'd left, but... it has been known to happen that I get up to get food and then forget I'd done so. I got another piece, went back to the living room, and ate my slice while trying to figure out what the clunking sound in the hallway was. (Strange sounds in my house are always worth investigating because usually it means that either something is leaking, or the cats have gotten into something new.)

What I found was a piece of pizza in the hallway minus the cheese on the top. The clunking was coming from the crust hitting the hardwood floor as the Kittenhead chewed on it. Poor Ginger the fluffy dog was anxiously waiting in the background for her chance to get near it. (If anyone ever had any questions as to Ginger's status in the house, this should answer it.)

The food theft happened again this evening when I caught Crow the cat running back the hall with an artichoke ravioli.

So, yeah, at some point I need to figure out how to keep Crow off the stove. I'm thinking a Scat-mat is going to be her Christmas present this year.

But isn't it nice that my cats are teaming up to help me out?

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