Tuesday, September 17, 2013

And the Award for Best Water-Saving Landscaping Goes To...

When you want to really spruce up the place, clear out all vegetation and put a bunch of random stones up.
Is it just me or does this look a bit like a cemetery? To make it worse, it's right across the street from a funeral parlor.

And now for some more pictures of barns in downtown Woodland:

And some cool-looking bark, just to keep up the randomness:


  1. That is a weird looking rock garden. Almost like a modern art project.

    No pickle stories?

  2. The last barn is blurry because we were walking down an almost-deserted alley and walking behind us was a young guy with tats and a really muscular pitbull (or pickle, if you prefer, I suppose) and I didn't want him to get any closer while I stopped to take a picture.

    I wasn't worried about the guy so much as the dog -- Ginger tends to start things with other dogs on leash and that dog was big enough to do some damage quickly.

  3. Ginger's nickname is Pookie or Pooklet. She has a lot to overcome.

  4. No more barns to showcase? There must be some more 'good' landscaping to mock...

  5. It's harder to take pictures when I walk Ginger after dark. Also, I have to find landscaping that is worse than mine, so the bar is a little high.
