Sunday, February 24, 2013

This Blog Brought To You By The Letter 'Eh'

Let's take a few minutes today to give thanks to our neighbor to the north. Yes, I'm talking about Canada, home of ... well, I'm sure they have a lot of cool stuff, but all I can think of at the moment is the fact that in Saskatoon they call a hoodie a "bunny hug", or so I've heard. And that's enough coolness for any country as far as I'm concerned.

Mostly we should be grateful to Canada because they fund the Canadian Broadcasting Corp, and the CBC makes police procedurals.

I love the CBC police procedurals. They exported about ten of them to the US, and every single one is almost exactly the same -- they have about four main characters and the plots are fairly straightforward. Most importantly, they don't rely on car chases or gun fights to resolve things. In fact, I'm not sure anyone in these shows owns a gun. Also, since there are only about twenty Canadian actors, I feel like I know them all by now, so there's a nice sense of familiarity.

My only complaint (and it's pretty minor) is that the music for the closing credits is done by the same person (I assume), and it always uses the following format:

- (Start) Cheesy synthesizer beat

- (5 seconds in) Saxophone starts

- (10 seconds in) A woman starts singing "ooh aah ooh aah"

Anyhow, I'd like to start a campaign to fund new closing credit music for CBC police procedurals. I mean, Canada ought to get something out of this deal, right?


  1. canada, oh, whatever

    For this, if nothing else, they have made life somewhat livable.

    The queen thing, kinda sad...

  2. But they did inflict William Shatner upon us...

  3. Okay, sure, and pamela anderson and celine dion.

    Okay, america's hat is both a haberdashery pinnacle and concomitant felt nerd badge. eh?

    Shouldn't we all strive for such greatness? or whatever...

  4. How do you manage to drink so much on weeknights and still get up early and go to work in the morning?

  5. Unfortunately, I am incomprehensible 'deep in my cups' and otherwise -- yeah, at all times, perhaps.

    I am waiting upon thee ios app that will set everything a'right.

    "First comes spring and summer, but then we have fall and winter. ... There will be growth in the spring!"
