Monday, September 17, 2012


The penultimate week of the Couch to 5k experiment suffered a slight setback when I tripped and fell flat on the sidewalk, tenderizing my knees in the process. The good news is that there were no witnesses (one of the advantages of running at night) and I was already back on my feet and walking again by the time the police car drove by a couple of minutes later. For the record I would like to state that doing a pendulum swing straight down onto the sidewalk causes much pain. I was forced to consume a lot of ice cream to get over it.

Anyhow, Jojo the Enforcer was in town this weekend along with her daughter, Mary-Kate Olsen. (I don't really understand how the genetics worked out in this situation...) My parents also drove up for the weekend, so there was a partial family reunion, and my little niece only ended up with a slight bruise when she tripped and slammed her cheek into the coffee table. (See, we're related.)

Jeff managed to not light the propane grill on fire this time, so the entertainment wasn't quite as good, but other than that it was a pleasant weekend.

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