Sunday, February 26, 2012

Great Job

Because I know how much everyone loves the ongoing saga (and also so everyone is in the loop when I become unemployed for such a long time that I need to move in with someone), I offer you all the latest in my attempt to get my current job:

After a suitable pause to allow everyone in the entire chain of command to laugh about the automatically rejected application, I was told to fill out the on-line application again. But first, SomeGuyWhoWon'tBeNamed had to reopen the job since HR had already closed it. Then I had to create another login since you can only apply for a specific job once. And then I had to answer all the questions again.

When you answer the question "Are you willing to relocate?" with "No" (since there was no "Hell no" option), why would it then force you to answer "What is your first choice of location?" and also "What is your second choice of location?"? It wouldn't even let me make the same choice for both.

So, there we have it, everything was all submitted. Again.

And then it was automatically rejected. Again.

However, it turns out that SomeGuyWhoWon'tBeNamed was able to unreject the rejection somehow. So then we had the interview. We'll just say that between the attention-deficit challenged pair of us, half of the questions asking about my current boss, SomeGuyWhoWon'tBeNamed needing to write down every answer at the speed of a cold tortoise, me having no idea how to answer any of the questions, and SomeGuyWhoWon'tBeNamed telling me every time that I did come up with an answer that there was a better answer, the interview just confirmed my feelings that I am unemployable.

The technical part went better, which is funny because that's where I really don't know anything unless I can google it.

Anyhow, as I was lying in bed on Friday morning, the HR person called to set up the screening interview. Because why would we do anything in the proper order? Unfortunately, the cats took the phone ringing as a sign that it was time to loudly complain about the lack of food. It's always very professional to have multiple cats howling in the background as you answer the phone.

So, yeah, I have the screening interview tomorrow.

I'm pretty sure I can retire on my savings if I move to Nepal.

(Edited to hide the pseudonym of SomeGuyWhoWon'tBeNamed who "values his lifelong position here".)

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