Thursday, February 2, 2012

Forget It

You know, they say that exercise keeps the brain sharp, but whoever did that study didn't interview Jeff.

He rides his bike to work almost every day it isn't raining.

And every day when it's time to go home, he changes back into his shorts, puts on the funny biking shoes, and grabs his helmet, backpack, and gloves (covered with duct tape to make them resist the wind better) and then walks out the door with his bike. Or, that's what he tries to do.

Instead, at least 50% of the time, he leaves and then I hear the doors reopen and he walks back to his cubicle to get whichever of the things he's left behind. Usually it's his gloves, but sometimes it's his helmet, or his backpack, or his shoes, or his phone, or pretty much anything that isn't actually attached.

It's gotten to the point where I start naming items he might have forgotten as he walks his bike past my cubicle towards the door, sort of like a weird game of bingo, but I have yet to name the item he's forgotten before he leaves.

Ah well, he's always been good for a laugh...

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