Sunday, September 18, 2011

Let me check on that...

The dogs went to the groomer's on Friday (Molly because she was stinky and had knots in her hair, and Ginger because it's easier to pay for her to go to the groomer than to deal with the fallout from taking Molly in the car and leaving Ginger at home). However, the groomer doesn't take credit cards so I had to write a check.

A check. Who doesn't take credit cards? I hadn't written a check in about six months and it was another four months for the previous one. I had to go back out to my car to even find my checkbook. Then I had to remember how to fill the check out. I type almost everything these days, and when I do write things down the end of the word tends to trail off because I know what it says and nobody else needs to read it. (I get flack at work for my pages of checklists, but really, how else am I supposed to get a sense of accomplishment? Writing a new method? No. Marking an X in a box on my list? Yes.) I had to consciously finish the end of every word while I was writing the dollar amount.

Anyhow, Molly now looks about ten years younger with a goofy puppy cut, and Ginger is prancing around like the princess she is.

Next time I should probably just bring cash.


  1. MA is awful with businesses not taking credit. Seriously. They don't to pay the fees, which means I don't give them business (because who carries cash these days?).

  2. I do sympathize with businesses that don't want to pay a percentage of their profits to the credit card companies, but I'm with you -- there are times when I find it easier to go someplace else that takes credit cards.

    It seems like anything they gain by not paying credit card fees they would lose by getting bad checks.
