Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Fistful of Change

Well, here we go -- it's been a week of huge changes for me and my sisters this week.

JoJo the Enforcer had a baby girl (or, as her now-middle child said after being told that the reason his mother wasn't there was that she had gone to the hospital to give birth, "Mommy went to the hospital so the doctor could take the baby out." -- sounds much simpler that way, doesn't it?) As far as I know the baby doesn't have an official name yet. I'm guessing it will be something other than "Poquito Tito", but who knows? Anyhow, apparently everything went as well as those sorts of things can go. I haven't seen any pictures yet, but I'm sure the baby looks just about like all newly born babies look. (Again, I haven't seen any pictures. This is purely me projecting based on every single other newborn human I've ever seen. They're hideous. Admit it. Kittens are much cuter.)

In other news, K-poo is switching jobs. While I'll miss the stories about her insane boss whose wife has been bankrolling the company for years, it will be nice for her to feel like she's not having to switch canoes in mid-stream every week. And possibly she'll move someplace that doesn't require her to store all of her belongings in an area smaller than my kitchen cabinet. (However, it really should be about the easiest move possible even without an elevator. We could probably just load everything into one box and toss it off the edge of the roof down to a car below.)

And finally, in really important news, I finally put the face plates back on the electrical socket and light switch in the bathroom that I painted a year ago. Also, half of the towel racks are back up. At this rate, I should be done sometime in 2015. Never let it be said that my life isn't exciting...


  1. How's that vanity?

    ahhhh- hahahahha

    "vanity, all is vanity."

    (why does it smell like cat piss?)

  2. I prefer to keep my change to a minimum...

  3. Kittens are way cuter. Puppies are pretty cute, too.

  4. Don't forget about baby goats, which are possibly the cutest thing in the world.

  5. It will be sad to vacate the feminine pad for the couple that are replacing me.

    Yes, you read that right. Two people are moving into the hobbit hole. Two!

  6. You should try to talk them out of it. No relationship could survive two people living together in that much space.

    (Unless they are Siamese twins (or whatever the currently correct term is now). Then I would guess that they're used to it.)
