Thursday, January 6, 2011

Reduce, Reuse, Plagiarize Yourself

It has come to my attention that another year has passed, so I should come up with some resolutions or something. The good news is that I have some slightly used resolutions from last year that I can reuse. The bad news is that I can reuse them because I didn't accomplish them the first time through. Whatever.

Anyhow, I chickened out on the whole leg-amputation-to-get-down-to-my-ideal-weight thing, so I guess I'll just have to continue the gradual weight loss via diet and (a tiny bit of) exercise. It would be more effective, perhaps, if I weren't eating Ben & Jerry's while writing this. I'm still holding cutting off my hair in reserve as a last ditch effort if necessary.

The turning 42 plan worked well (yay me!), and I also remained single and childless, both of which were heartily celebrated upon my return from visiting the family over Christmas.

I got almost nowhere on the novel last year, and I'm tempted to restart what I've got. On the other hand, that means that I can still change the requirements. Oh wait, that's what we do at work. And they change the requirements all the time anyhow. But this year it's really going to happen.

My only other resolution is hire someone to clean my house on a regular basis. That will be enough quality of life improvement to make double rainbows appear everywhere.


  1. Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about the novel. Has it been a year already? Jeez.

  2. See, this is why you should have a blog -- so you have a definite record of all your failures.

    Oh wait...

  3. I want someone to clean my house for me. I thought I got that covered, but apparently, the housekeeping comes way after the whole work and grad school thing. Sheesh!

  4. So you're saying that getting into a relationship purely to get free housecleaning isn't the way to go? Good to know.

    The problem now is that I have to clean the house up enough to get someone to come clean for me. Yes I know how idiotic that sounds, but I'm sticking by it.

  5. No, everyone I know who has a cleaning person cleans before the cleaning person comes. No one wants other people to see the true extent of the squalor they live in.

    I live in such squalor that I would need a cleaning person to help me clean before I can get a cleaning person. See?
