Sunday, June 27, 2010

Does That Make Me Crazy? Probably...

If there is one thing that we all should learn from Apple, it is that there are lots of people with disposable income that are just like me. And by just like me, I mean crazy cat ladies. Oh sure, not everyone who buys Apple products has cats, but I'm telling you, we're the majority. (Note: data based on a highly scientific survey (of one).)

This is important because there are some money-making opportunities that are going to waste.

Problem: every single one of my t-shirts has a hole in the back on the left side about two inches down from the top of my shoulder. While you could blame shoddy workmanship by the children of Asia, the real problem is Spike. He's convinced that the best way to get off my lap is to go in slow motion over my left shoulder, which means he has to dig is claws in since he doesn't have any momentum.

Solution: a leather shoulder protector that can be worn at home. I'm calling it the "Hole-y Moley". I'm pretty sure they had these during the Middle Ages, but the patent should have expired by now. You could charge a few hundred dollars. Granted, that amount of money would keep me in new t-shirts for a while, but look at all the people who are buying iPads -- at least the Hole-y Moley has a function.

Anyhow, look for the Hole-y Moley soon on etsy.


  1. Would the Hole-y Moley look something like the old Girl Scout badge sashes that go over the shoulder and across the body?

  2. Yes, except it will have to be a little wider. Or maybe just a leather tunic would be better.

    My mom still has my Girl Scout sash. Maybe I should borrow it for a pattern...
