Sunday, April 11, 2010

I need to do that soon, but while I'm waiting...

Hi, my name is Theresa and I'm a procrastinator.

(This is your cue to say "Hi Theresa". What, you never went to any 12 step meetings? Never saw one on television? Oh please, do you live in a cave? Even I know the 12 step drill and I pretty much do live in a cave, so you have no excuse.)

I haven't been to confession in ... oops, accidentally switched scripts there. But speaking of that, what did they think my nine year old self could possibly have done that required confession? Hitting my brothers? They almost certainly deserved it. The priests must have wanted to kill themselves when they saw an entire class of kids lined up.

But back to the point at hand. I've always procrastinated. It's just the way I am. But what I have found to be helpful as I've grown older and wiser (or at least older), is to carefully plan my procrastination so that I can get other things done.

Take this weekend, for instance. This weekend I didn't do my taxes. They're due in four days. At midnight. If there's a network outage after 10pm on April 15th, I'm screwed. The smart, responsible thing would have been to fill out the forms this weekend. Or even back in January. But that's not the procrastinator's way.

However, while I wasn't doing my taxes, I did manage to:
  • semi-clean the bathroom
  • semi-clean the living room
  • semi-clean the kitchen
  • buy a bunch of vegetable plants (Apparently, I'm growing a lot of peppers this year.)
  • pull enough weeds in the back yard to have someplace to grow the vegetables
  • plant the plants
  • mow and edge the lawn
  • do the laundry
  • spin the cat around on the kitchen floor until she was dizzy a few times (Hey, she whines until I spin her!)
  • buy groceries
  • finally, finally, finally put up the wall-hanging that my mom made for my birthday (It took a while to find the stuff to hang it with -- looks really good in the spot by the front door now!)
That's pretty much it. But that's a lot more that I would have gotten done if I hadn't been procrastinating. So there.


  1. Those of us who are more accomplished at procrastination have the ability to do it free-form. I also spent the weekend not doing my taxes. Any extra time was spent not cleaning the apartment and spent not buying groceries.

    I did watch a movie with Jeff, his son, and the boy's best friend. So that was something.

  2. It's not surprising that the boy's best friend was there, since last I heard, his self-avowed best friend was the television. Or has that changed?

  3. No, no, that's still his best friend. But the joke's on him, since his best friend doesn't have a keyboard like mine does.

  4. You know, it's pretty sad when I think someone else needs to get a life. Just sayin'...

  5. I hope you're not procrastinating on your book because I want to read it soon
