Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Afterbirth

First of all, I'd like to welcome the two little Rvans to the world. Tough luck about the head size and flexibility, kids. At least your mom might have passed on the ability to touch your toes.

The still unnamed Aldous and Huxley made their appearance on Wednesday, and Rvan finally sent a picture this evening.

Everyone knows how I feel about baby primates, so don't expect any rapture here, but yeah, they're pretty darn cute as far as babies go. Not as cute as three week old kittens, of course, but pretty close.

Anyhow, in this picture (which I would post but I didn't ask permission) they're both wrapped up like burritos, but the one on the right has his neck extended, and he looks just like a turtle. (I happen to like turtles, so it's not like I'm calling him ugly or anything.) If you saw this picture you would totally agree with me. Anyhow, I told Rvan that. We'll see if he and Christina are still talking to me later.

At least I'm not as bad as Jeff. He saw a friend's baby and said "Look, it's waving its hind legs!"


  1. The reality is that the only thing cuter than a 3 week old kitten is a 4-week-old kitten. That is the pinacle of cuteness.

    Babies, blech. Newborns and infants look like grumpy geriatric men.

  2. And the corollary is that the only thing cuter than a 4-week-old kitten is two 5-week-old kittens.

    Other than the fact that these babies are actually pretty cute and the one on the right looks like a turtle, the only notable thing is that they both had their eyes closed in the picture. For a moment I did wonder how old human babies are before they open their eyes...
