Thursday, December 3, 2009

Snail Space

Alright, I got home late and spent an hour (one hour!) trying to get one of my snails to move to a spot where I could take a picture. (Okay, I realize that this makes it sound as if I really have no life. Let me clarify -- I kept checking on the snail as I was doing other things, like reading the gossip web sites...)

Anyhow, one of my snails has this big long algae strand attached to the top of its shell. It makes sense, I guess, since it can't reach back there to clean. With the bright green algae floating in the water, the snail looks like it's trying to imitate one of those troll dolls.

However, my attempts to get a picture were an epic failure. So I've improvised.

This is exactly what it looks like:

"Troll Snail"
Media: Bird pellets on plastic cutting board

Don't hate me because I'm such a talented artist...


  1. I don't know about anyone else but I think I prefer that colorful pic to some blurry sea-snail.

    Hmm, the mosaic media is strangely expressive at low effort, er, resolution...

  2. Just wait until I figure out how to animate gifs. Then you'll really be impressed. Wow.

    But you'll probably have to wait for a while.

  3. I think there's algae growing on your cutting board.

  4. K-poo, I can tell you're jealous.

    Rvan, all I can say is... beets. But yeah, it's probably time to shell out the bucks for a new one. It's so scratched that it's really hard to clean. Those are artistic scratches, though.
