Thursday, June 11, 2009

"um... the new Spock is hot." (*)

Okay, rvan, are you happy? I have Photoshopped something...very badly, but I've only had Photoshop on the computer for less than an hour.

(*) The title is an email I received from K-poo, in its entirety.


  1. I find it utterly believable. Well done.

  2. Yeah, you can hardly tell that the picture of Spock came from a Burger King cup, right? ;-)

  3. OK, now I am impressed. If it had been from something other than a Burger King glass, I would have laughed.

    The new Spock is Sylar from Heroes - the guy who takes brains. I find this strange (although inspired casting!).

  4. JJ, you can laugh at my Photoshop skills. I just installed it last night and I've never used it before. I'm just amazed I was able to get it to make it look that "realistic". Unfortunately, the cup (which was on the floor of my car from the weekend) only had a head shot, so I spent more time than I really should have trying to come up with something to block the lack of body...

    I've never watched Heroes. Is it worth getting into?

  5. I liked the first season of Heroes best. The show has taken some weird turns since then, but we still watch it every week. It is available on Instant View on Netflix.

    Hey, we will soon be back to our household of 3 cats, ONE puppy, and 2 humans. Storm has a new home. We're keeping her this weekend while the lady gets a crate and some other things in order.

  6. You know, the last time I saw her Karen mentioned the new Spock being hot as soon as the words "star" and "trek" appeared in the same sentence. I'm guessing the email is more than a literary device.

  7. JJ: I don't even know how you handle one puppy. Two would kill me.

    Eric: You think I would lie about something like that? K-poo doesn't make a secret of her feelings. Instead she tells Jeff (when he's been drinking) and sets off the quest to find a particular guy's number in the most unsubtle way possible. I'm somewhat surprised she's still single.

  8. well, he is. there is really no debating it. especially now that he helps me garden! smart and eco-friendly!
    maybe he can resuscitate the dying plants on my patio. ooo, he could tell the younger version of himself to go rescue my plants before they got to their present state.
    Big T, I like the photoshopping skills. Next up: K-poo and Cristiano Ronaldo. Take that, Paris Hilton! (T, I know you read the same trashy blogs I do!)

  9. The obvious question is: why are you learning photoshop? Is there someone you want to impress on facebook? After all, you readily show eric's, ahem, 'painting' of you on the masthead. Maybe you could tone down the orange a little?

  10. Hey now. That painting shows the real Theresa, not just the ephemeral outer shell. I painted her soul, dammit. It's orange.

  11. ah yes, art is in the eye of the beheader, um, beholder.

  12. Ah, hell, if that's what my soul looks like, maybe it's better that people judge by appearances.

    The real question, Jeff, is why aren't you learning Photoshop?

  13. why didn't you use one of the million pics on the web instead of taking a pic of your mug? and what does a vegetarian eat at BK?

  14. Sheesh, complain, complain, complain. Because I could, okay?

    Chocolate shake and fries. Who needs protein, anyhow?

  15. is spock's head really skinnier than kpoos?

  16. kpoo, it this the ronaldo that you speak of?
