Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ironies of the Weekend

- While parts of the country are mobilizing the national guard to help restore power to people cut off by winter storms, I spent the weekend carefully applying sunscreen so I didn’t sunburn while riding under the bright, sunny skies.

- My recently purchased sunscreen, which is one of the more expensive brands and has an SPF rating that should guarantee protection from a nuclear explosion, is supposed to be hypoallergenic and soothing to the skin, and is the only product I’ve ever used that has caused a reaction. It’s mild, but still…

- I realized this weekend that while I know (or used to know) all the different places horses are likely to twist their intestines, I have no idea how to get rid of bot fly eggs on their hair. (Practical knowledge, what’s that?)

- The dog spends most of her time in the kitchen trying to get into the cat food, while the cats are turning up their noses at the latest brand of dry food and have elected to steal kibble from the dog’s dish instead.

- I get many more comments about my comments on other people’s blogs than I do on my own blog. (Okay, this is not really ironic, more an example of bad advertising.)


  1. expensive skin care products? whats next? make up? high heels?

  2. It was freakin' sun screen! Sheesh.

    The only high heels I'm getting are my polo boots which are currently at the cobblers being shortened so that I can bend my knees once I zip them up. I think the heel is a good 1/2".

  3. Even the longest journey begins with the first half inch.

    I didn't realize we have bot flies in California. I thought that was a South America thing.

  4. It does occur to me that if I wore high heels my jeans would not drag on the ground... Nah.

    Bot flies (Gastrophilus intestinalis ) are very common. You might be thinking of screw worms (Cochliomyia hominovorax), which have been eradicated from the US (except for occasional incursions from Mexico where they are still present), and are really, really gross. Bot flies can potentially cause problems, but usually don't.

  5. Nope, I really was thinking bot fly. So now I'm assuming human bot fly and horse bot fly are different. Either that or I'm not leaving my apartment again. Ever.

  6. eric: and that's different, how?

  7. I know that in MN we used a special comb to get the bot flies off of the horses. Maybe there is something similar?

  8. Not Afraid: After some research ($100K on a post-graduate education and google is my homeboy), I've found that there are both special combs and pumice-like stones that will take care of the problem. The 99 cent plastic flea comb that I found in the bottom of the pet supplies box didn't do a damned thing. If the tack shop is ever open, I intend to buy a stone.

    Eric: I hear that human bot flies are especially drawn to Starbucks...

  9. Sure, but I hear $5 coffee will kill them.

  10. Ah, but they really go for the low-fat frappa-mocha-charro-carne-copriato with extra sugar. Or whatever the current rage is.
