Sunday, November 23, 2008

Random Thoughts

Dishes best served cold:
1) Revenge
2) Gaspacho (if you like it, which I don’t, but assuming you did…)
3) Pumpkin pie

That final one is really important because I bought a frozen pumpkin pie while grocery shopping this evening, baked it, and then got tired of waiting for it to finish cooling. It just isn’t the same.


I get the next veggie box on Tuesday, and there will be no kale. Woohoo! (And there was much rejoicing.)

One of my friends pointed out that I could just tell the veggie people not to put kale in the box, but I keep thinking that there must be some way to make the stuff taste good. Surely it can’t only be popular because it’s the only green that will grow at this time of year.


The cats are decidedly more affectionate (with me, the dog, and each other) when the heat is off. Apparently they are only foul-weather friends.


Satin sheets sound like a really nice grown-up idea, but it kinda sucks when the bedspread keeps falling off the bed because the sheets are too slippery. Flannel sheets sound a bit fuddy-duddy, but maybe it’s time I embraced my inner fuddy.


I swept up those damned pollen cones for the very last time today. But I still have a hole in the roof.


Cranberries are actually pretty good when sautéed with pears and pecans. You don’t actually have to make jelly out of them. Imagine that.


Who likes lima beans? I mean, really. (Trick question!)


  1. I get the next veggie box on Tuesday, and there will be no kale. Woohoo! (And there was much rejoicing.)

    The poor birds will starve. I always kind of liked the stuff myself.

  2. The birds are in no danger of starving, trust me. Besides, all they ever do with their greens is toss them out of the bowl so they can get to the stuff they like.

    You couldn't have mentioned this love of kale four weeks ago?

  3. Let's not get hasty here. "Love" might be a bit strong.

  4. Gazpacho (that's how most people spell it) bad? And from a tofu eater? Man what kind of 1.5 dimensional universe do you live in?

    Ga[z|s]pacho is great -- the only thing that would make it better is bacon.

  5. Dammit, I meant to look it up to make sure I was spelling it correctly, but that would have put me over the ten minutes I had allotted to write and post the blog.

    Anyhow, I haven't had gazpacho in many years. I didn't like zucchini back then, so it's possible that I could like it now.

    I think lima beans are out of the question, though.

  6. For the next shipment of kale I suggest you try these recipes from

    Bean soup with kale gets good reviews but the picture looks gross:

    Kale chips...probably gross but don't you just want to try them?

    And for when you are feeling really desperate to use up the kale, why not try a smoothie:

    Happy cooking! Liz

  7. This is starting to look like a slightly healthier version of that bacon website that Jeff loves so much. Have you found a recipe for kale-infused vodka yet?

    I especially like how the soup could combine kale and lima beans.
