Sunday, February 9, 2025

These Giddy Wandering Stars (Science Fiction)

Day 9 of Holidailies:

Today's title has kind of a retro SF feel to it, so I rolled with it. Initially, I was going to put the title vertically along the left side of the cover, but I think that only really works with short, one-word titles.

I also messed around with the spine and back cover. I kept getting it into a state where I couldn't edit the back cover copy — saving and restarting seemed to clear it, but I'm not entirely sure that was a bug and not just user error.

One of the things I've been trying to do is simplify the layers, since a bunch of crud got imported. Looking online, I decided I didn't need master pages, but I think I messed something up because exporting the front cover as a jpg includes a gray border that shouldn't be there. (I clipped it off, but that's not a permanent solution.) I'll revert to the previous file tomorrow and see if I can fix that.

Overall... This looks a bit YA (because of the image), but it looks reasonably professional for the amount of time spent.

And the paperback spread:

(Title font is Sui Generis.)

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