Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Low Expectations

And just like that, another Holidailies is over!

It might be a sign of the times that the only reason I got up this morning was to let the dog outside. (Get yourself a dog if you can. Seriously.) I wasn't celebrating the new year because I fully expect 2025 to be a complete shitshow. Honestly, I'd be shocked if the US still exists in its present form in four years.

In completely unrelated news, I need to get a passport. I didn't renew my old passport back in the 90s because the company I worked for kept sending me on unplanned trips. I'm a terrible traveler, and that goes double when it's for business, so I've been happy to be without a passport for the last couple decades. But now it seems like something useful to have, so my goal for this week is to get a picture taken and find a photocopier.

(Where does one even find a photocopier these days? Before I quit my day job, I just used the ones at work, and I haven't had any use for one since then. I'm guessing whatever Kinko's turned into is still around and would have them.)

Oh well. At least the new year will bring more kittens!

Speaking of kittens

This photo from August 2023 has the name "operation_chonk.jpg" which just proves that getting my kittens up to a good fighting weight has been the plan for more than a year.

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