Thursday, December 5, 2024

All That and the Kitchen Sink

The decrepit money pit I call home...

Today, two of my brothers came over to install a new kitchen faucet. I mean, Jeff did 99% of the faucet installation — I did the other 1% by buying the faucet and holding stuff at the top so he could loosen & tighten stuff from under the sink, while Eric played with kittens — but they were both here so it counts. Then "we" (again, mostly Jeff) moved the hinges on my gate so it would open freely until the next rain.

Anyhow, a fun time was had by all, especially the kittens who were climbing all over Eric. And Jeff only accidentally left one tool behind.

But let's talk about kittens...

Speaking of kittens, I have a handy weight graph and I refuse to panic about that one kitten whose trend line doesn't intersect the goal weight until after the tentative surgery date. He's active and eating. Fingers crossed he starts packing on the pounds soon.


Blue, the current problem child

Have I reached my 1700 word goal today?

Not yet, but dammit, I have a few hours left and I'm going to do it.

Other things I've done today

I've been rewriting the blurb for Death Trims the Tree because someone offered to set up a holiday-themed cozy page to share with their readers and I think the blurb could be better.

This is what I have at the moment. I'll probably go through it a few more times and call it good. Ugh. Writing blurbs is frustrating when they aren't going well.

Bah Humbug! Christmas is four days away and Penelope Standing is trying to find her holiday cheer.

Maybe she can't do anything about her dog eating Santa (and his reindeer) or the crabby neighbor offering visions of fiery sinners instead of sugarplums, but she can at least track down the neighborhood decorations that keep disappearing!

Join Penelope, Jake, their dog, and a cast of friends in this heartwarming holiday mystery!

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