Tuesday, December 7, 2021

1000 Words Isn't Always Enough


I've been incorporating more pictures into my blog entries in the last year, especially over on my other blog where I highlight Kindle Vella stories.

As part of that, I've made an effort to remember to add a description to each image in the metadata. I don't know if anyone is reading my blog with a screenreader, but if they are, I want them to have the same experience as everyone else.

The best advice I've heard for describing pictures is "pretend you're talking to someone on the phone". If there's text, that's easy enough to add. And most pictures aren't too hard to describe, even if my descriptions aren't going to win any awards.

But when it comes to some of the book covers... I'm not sure what to put if I can't figure out what the image is.

For example:

Kindle Vella cover for "The String Conspiracy" by Candace Freilich

What is that thing? Maybe if the image hadn't been cropped in a circle, it would be more obvious, but it's hard to describe something if you can't figure out what it is. Thus, my description when I uploaded the image to Twitter was
Kindle Vella cover for "The String Conspiracy" by Candace Freilich. Image shows... I'm not sure. Maybe a spaceship and a building? The colors are green and yellow.

Here's another one:
Kindle Vella cover for "An Undying Throne" by Yomii Super Workshops. Image shows... Sorry, I honestly can't tell. There appear to be borg cubes or at least angular shapes, with predominantly light blue and brown colors.

Again... what is that? Past Theresa decided this was the best way to describe it:
Kindle Vella cover for "An Undying Throne" by Yomii Super Workshops. Image shows... Sorry, I honestly can't tell. There appear to be borg cubes or at least angular shapes, with predominantly light blue and brown colors.

Blind people, I'm sorry. I'm doing my best.

Obligatory Pet Picture

Grey cat curled up on a doormat on a porch. Halloween decorations line the steps up to the porch, including a statue of a cat sitting on a pumpkin.

I took this one a few months ago when I was walking the dog. There's only one cat in the photo. The pumpkin & cat on the step is a statue, but I had to look twice to be sure!

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