Friday, March 27, 2020

Neighbors of Constant Sorrow

If you recall, I mentioned that I bought a violin to help warn people away from me during this time of isolation. I started trying to find fun music to play, which led me to bluegrass fiddle (no, I don't know anything about fiddle music or how to play it) and that led me to this tutorial:

(Bluegrass fiddle tutorial for "Man of Constant Sorrow")

I have slightly more patience now than I did in grade school, so I spent the ten bucks on the tutorial (well worth it, by the way -- it includes sheet music, the tutorial, and backing music at three different speeds) and I've been learning roughly one measure per day, which is exactly how I was told to learn things as a kid and completely ignored.

Anyhow, my neighbors (trapped in their home!) have been forced to listen to a bad violin player trying to learn bluegrass fiddle, and I can only assume that shortages at the grocery stores are the only reason they haven't yet egged my house.

Black cat on bed of newspaper even though he has about 20 plush beds around the house dammit
Ripley does not have time for your nonsense


  1. One night you’ll hear a mandolin coming from the direction of the persimmon tree. A few nights after, a banjo will join in. Before you know it you’ll have a neighborhood bluegrass band.

  2. The neighbor on the other side was lamenting the mandolin he sold a few years ago, so you may not be far off!
